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Thursday, December 07, 2006

Welcome to the 9rules Community

Wow! For all you visitors from the 9rules new additions post, welcome to Apogee Weblog! Not quite sure what to say. Will take awhile for this to sink in. I've been reading some fantastic 9rules blogs such as Pronet Advertising, Paul Stamatiou and Mashable for quite some time. It will certainly be an honor to be a part of the 9rules network. Wow. Should be crashing (~1am as I type) but I wanted to get a quick post up to say hi - and thanks. (I have 3 kids, the oldest is 5 so mornings can be quite a challenge.) Anyway, while you're here, enjoy a game of TagMan:

web 2.0 tags game
There are versions for Technorati, Squidoo, and Flickr. (The Flickr version is the most popular since you see a set of pictures as the "prize" for winning a game.)

On this blog, I mostly write about web marketing topics, particularly search engine marketing (SEM). I also like to create free tools for the SEM community. Some are open source. Examples:
Here's a sample of some blog posts to give you a flavor of this blog:
These are some of the most visited articles:
Thanks for stopping by. I'm keen to contribute to the 9rules community. And humbled by the inclusion of my blog in the network. Wow. Cool.

: , , , , , ,


Anonymous Mike Rundle said...

Glad to have you in!

Thu Dec 07, 12:38:00 PM EST  
Blogger Richard said...

Mike - Thank you!

Thu Dec 07, 01:43:00 PM EST  

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