Maine Munchies Ad

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Introducing Ads by Apogee

I've decided to run ads on my blog. No, I won't be using Google AdSense, Yahoo! Publisher or another service like BlogAds or AdBrite. Instead of "Ads by Google" you'll see "Ads by Apogee" on my blog. I'm going to run advertising for my clients. If you want to run ads, contact Apogee Web Consulting LLC to become a client.

Initially, I'll be displaying a banner ad across the top for Maine Munchies and a sidebar ad for my first client, Plantrex Flower Shop. Here's a sample of what a banner ad will look like:

Maine Munchies Ad Sample

Why blog ads now? I was reading one of my favorite magazines, Business 2.0, recently and found the article Blogging for Dollars fascinating. I had never thought of having advertising on my blog. The point of this blog isn't to make money. But, perhaps I can gain additional exposure beyond search marketing for some of my clients. BTW, if you are an existing client and want to list an ad, send me some images to work with.

If you are not (yet) a client, peruse our free resources: search engine marketing articles, keyword research tool, open source web analytics software. And, if you need a break, enjoy a game of TagMan.


Blogger Chris said...

It's not nice to go all spammy with a comment...

Sat Feb 20, 11:17:00 PM EST  
Blogger Richard said...

Thanks, Chris. I've deleted that spammy comment.

Mon Feb 22, 05:56:00 PM EST  

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