Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Flickr TagMan on Web 2.0 Mashup Site

ProgrammableWeb - Web 2.0 MashupsJust want to say thanks to John Musser for making Flickr TagMan "Mashup of the Day" yesterday. His site, ProgrammableWeb, is a comprehensive resource of web 2.0 mashups and APIs. It's also a member of the esteemed web2.0 workgroup. Responding to a comment about Flickr TagMan, I was reminded of why I created the game in the first place:
TagMan is about the tags, not the photos. The Flickr photos are like a prize for guessing the tag. Part of the idea, too, is to "give back" to Flickr. Instead of simply using their data (tags + photos) and creating a game, the point is to encourage people to go to the Flickr site to explore the tags. When you win a game, you see some photos for the tag and can either go and visit that tag on or play a new game. The game is a fun way to browse the popular Flickr tags, a different sort of front end to Flickr.
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